Treloars Road, North Kukerin, WA, 6352
North Kukerin WA 6352
Tenders Closing 5pm 27th February 2024
Wide Open Cropping Opportunity
A realignment of boundary subdivision has been set in motion to create thisopportunity to buy an ideal sized tract of choice North Kukerin cropping country
to add to your farming operation.
The property features undulating topography and strong, loamy soils where Morrell, Jam and Salmon Gum trees grew originally. Only partly cropped to cereals in 2023, pastures have been spray topped ready for cropping this year. Fencing is sound throughout and stock water mainly from dams is reliable. Infrastructure consists of an excellent chemical/boomspray filling station with Flexi-N, water and large diesel tanks. Transport and machinery access
is easy from 2 roads.
Early access for cropping will be available to the successful tenderer.
Call now to arrange inspection.
General Features
- Land Area: 546hect (approx)
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Elders Real Estate Narrogin
Enquire about Treloars Road, North Kukerin, WA, 6352