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3428 Williams-Kondinin Road, Narrogin Valley, WA, 6312

Narrogin Valley WA 6312

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Hobby Farm In top Location

Forget about driving miles out of your way down rough dirt roads to get to your hobby block - this little farm is set near to Narrogin town and right on the main road. It's so close it is quite easy to drive in to town to get your lunch, then back out for another half day's fun. Well managed for years, the property has shown good yields from crops and has run up to 200 sheep in peak times. Mainly elevated quality farmland, the property is well fenced for sheep and has ample water from a dam plus very good soak. Lambing ewes are protected in a secure paddock and appropriate shelter has been left around the property. The impressive 100' x 40' shearing/machinery/workshop shed has mains electricity connected. Enjoy farming while living in town or look into building your home here. Come and have a look as soon as you can - it doesn't take long to get there!


General Features

  • Land Area: 31.9hect (approx)

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Elders Real Estate Rural Narrogin

Enquire about 3428 Williams-Kondinin Road, Narrogin Valley, WA, 6312

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